Bristol Clothing has been creating high-quality custom wardrobes for men in Greater Boston, Metro West, and Worcester for over two decades. My business is built on these five key points; quality, expertise, convenience, selection, service. I come directly to your home or office. We will discuss your needs, likes and what has not worked for you in the past, take fit queues from your favorite pieces of clothing, collar style, body fit, cuffs, choose a fabric and produce a piece exactly the way you want it, from comfortable slacks for golf, a finely made suit to a tuxedo. We can create a season’s wardrobe in one session utilizing the Bespoke method to create entire wardrobes or a single piece. This increases your selection, choices, and size will never be an issue, you will enjoy increased value due the personal service and the elimination of the costs associated with brick and mortar passing the savings along to you.

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